A record crowd of 460 people in the technology sector showed up for Technite. |
New Director Derrick Maggard with Lisa Soltis of Roanoke City. |
Consultant Melinda Cohan (left) Banker Gretchen Weinnig. |
Lawyers David Cohan (left) Keith Finch talk ... law. |
Mary Jane and Ray Pethtel (left) with Stuart Mease, both of Virginia Tech. |
Ed and Katherine Walker accept Ruby Award. |
Sen. Mark Warner talks about a dysfunctional Washington. |
A record crowd of more than 460 people showed up tonight at the Technite Awards, sponsored by the Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council where they saw Minnis Ridenhour of Virginia Tech walk off with the Regional Leadership Award and ADMMicro, PowerHub Systems and Lujure capture tech awards.
Ridenhour's award was especially significant given the strength of a field that included such luminaries as Ed and Katherine Walker (CityWorks Xpo), Ken Ferris (Brookewood Management Advisors), Sam English (Science Museum of Western Virginia), Bob Summers (TechPad), Richard Hammer (Interactive Achievement) and Jim Flowers (VTKnowledgworks), any one of which could have won.
The other winners included ADMMicro for Entrepreueur; PowerHub Systems, Innovation; and Lujure, Rising Star. MoGo Mobile won the People's Choice Award and the education awards went to Stephanie Crawford of Montgomery County and Linda Gooding of Roanoke Valley Governor's School.
--Dan Smith, story and photos
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