CEO Nancy Agee (center) and Michele Hamilton get ready for a TV interview. |
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier today, Carilion Clinic launched
Stairwellness – a wellness initiative to encourage employees and
visitors at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital (CRMH) to take the stairs
instead of the elevator.
Stairwellness is a free, convenient way to incorporate exercise into a
daily routine. To help motivate this positive behavior change, the
stairwell in the South tower of CRMH is now outfitted with colorful
blocks of paint containing fun health information regarding the benefits
of stair climbing.
“Carilion continues to put a strong focus on wellness and preventative
care. Through small changes, such as promoting stairwell usage, we are
creating a supportive environment and building a culture of wellness,”
said Michele Hamilton, employee wellness consultant at Carilion Clinic.
“Our employees are our patients too. We are cultivating an environment
that supports healthy decision-making.”
Carilion launched the “Choose Wisely” program for employees last fall.
Each month the Dining & Nutrition Services department identifies one
health item as a wise choice. If an employee chooses the item, their
receipt is stamped by the cashier and they are entered to win prizes.
The Choose Wisely program rewards employees for making healthy
Other Carilion employee wellness initiatives include a monetary
incentive for non-tobacco users, fitness and nutrition pilot programs,
healthy and organic vending options, free flu vaccinations, bio-metric
health screenings, on-site group fitness, Step by Step walking program,
Weight Watchers at Work, and a “farmers’ table” or market of healthy
“We anticipate implementing more wellness programs and extending
existing programs in the near future. We want our employees to feel good
about their health and we want to support their healthy lifestyles at
work,” concluded Hamilton.
Stairwellness will be extended to community hospitals in the coming months. For more information, visit CarilionClinic.org.